Emre Eröz
Emre Eröz (b.1995, Ankara, Turkey) is a composer, whose works focus on the potential of complex sounds coordinately inspired by different genres and contemporary art forms, building friction amongst the textures. He is trying to create sonic narrations in his works and to discover different timbre possibilities, which derive from a single musical material or any found sonority. He began music by playing e-guitar at an early age then played in rock and jazz bands before taking up composition.
He had the opportunity to work with many ensembles and soloists including Tokyo Sinfonietta, Spektral Quartet, Oerknal Ensemble, Pre-Art Soloists, Hezarfen Ensemble, International Ensemble Modern Academy, Garth Knox, and Diamanda La Berge Dramm, Black Pencil among others. In 2022, his piece “Palimpsest” was chosen to be performed in Sevilla by Taller Sonoro as a part of Discovering Young Composers Project and his String Quartet was played by Tokyo Sinfonietta to be broadcasted by NHK. His recent projects include a e-guitar, trombone duo commissioned by Supernoava (Basel) and a duo for saxophone-trombone commissioned by Duo Signal (Basel) to be performed on a Swiss tour. He was awarded first prize in the ISCM 16th Sun River Prize Students New Music Composition Competition 2020 (China) with his “String Quartet", and second prize in the 11th Pre-art Competition for Young Composers 2019 (Switzerland) for ensemble piece “Amnesia”. He was selected to participate in 2020 Taproot New Music Festival at UC Davis (USA) and his music was premiered by Chicago-based Spektral Quartet. Research-based quartet piece “Adsum", which is commissioned by NK Ensemble and aims to combine Turkish-Western music instruments, has released by Bilgi Label in the album project "Lahza" on streaming platforms in 2019.
He also participated in various workshops and worked with Clara Iannotta, Beat Furrer, Pierluigi Billone, Mark Andre, Bruno Mantovani, Eun-Hwa Cho, Ken Ueno, Ulrich Kreppein, Collegium Novum Zurich. He is pursuing his graduate studies at Conservatoire de Paris in Composition with Stefano Gervasoni and electronic music with Yan Maresz, Luis Naón, and Grégoire Lorieux. He holds his B.A. degree in Music Theory and Composition from Bilkent University Faculty of Music and Performing Arts and studied various subjects including composition, orchestration and aesthetic with Yigit Aydin.
He received support by the Fondation de France as well as the Meyer Foundation.
Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris - MA in Composition 2022 -
Bilkent University - BA in Composition 2015 - 2021
Hacettepe University Ankara State Conservatory - BA in Musicology 2013-15
Eun-Hwa Cho, Pierluigi Billone, Beat Furrer, Clara Iannotta, International Ensemble Modern Academy, Diamanda La Berge Dramm, Garth Knox, Laurie San Martin, Ken Ueno, Bruno Mantovani, Mark Andre, Ulrich Alexander Kreppein, Martin Hiendl, Black Pencil Ensemble, Neophon Ensemble, Yurodny Ensemble.
Geneviève Strosser, Dimitrios Polisoidis, Ernest Rombout, Isabel Mundry, Agata Zubel, Alberto Posadas, Dmitri Kourliandski, Quince Ensemble, Spektral Quartet, Alexander Schubert
UC Davis Taproot New Music Festival 2020 (Davis, California).
Impuls Academy 2019 (Graz, Austria).
Sesin Yolculugu - Young Composer’s Festival, 2018 (Istanbul, Turkey).
Sesin Yolculugu - Young Composer’s Festival, 2016.
Lecture on my music, UC Davis Composition Seminar. Jan 31, 2020.
Scholarship, “Bourse d’Étude, Prix de Composition" - Fondation De France, 2023.
Project Support, “Bourses de Projets - Fondation Meyer, 2023.
Scholarship, “Bourse d’Étude, Prix de Composition" - Fondation De France, 2022.
Bilkent University Merit Based Scholarship in association with Bridge to Turkey Fund, 2020-21.
Ahmet Adnan Saygun Merit Based Scholarship, 2019.
Bilkent University Composition Department Scholarship, 2015.
Finalist in Cita di Udine Composition Competition in with Uncanny Resonances, 2023 (Udine, Italy).
ISCM Sun River Prize Composition Competition, 1st Prize, 2020 (Chengdu, China).
Duo Signal Commission Competition, 2nd Prize, 2020 (Basel, Switzerland).
Pre-Art Composition Competition, 2nd Prize, 2018 (Basel, Switzerland).
Interruptions in the Hallucinatory Realm - for ensemble (2023)
premiered by Ensemble NEXT at Conservatoire de Paris, Espace Maurice-Fleuret, March 21, 2023.
Uncanny Resonances - for tape (2023)
premiered and diffused at Conservatoire de Paris, Espace Maurice-Fleuret, March 10, 2023.
THEREIN - for sinfonietta (2021-22)
as a graduation project for bachelor degree.
In Between - for tenor saxophone and trombone.
commissioned by Duo Signal. Performed on Duo's Swiss tour during May, 2021.
“in these strange times” - for fixed media
String Quartet
commissioned by Spektral Quartet as a part of Taproot New Music Festival 2020. Performed at Vanderhoef Studio Theatre, Mondavi Center, California, Davis.
Loops 1. - for electric guitar and trombone
recorded by Duo Winston / Goepfert at Saygun Concert Hall, Bilkent, Ankara, December 2019.
Palimpsest - for pierrot and percussion
written for Oerknal Ensemble at Bilkent University, October 2019.
Miniature: A song without words - for vocalized violin and viola.
-written for Diamanda La Berge Dramm & Garth Knox at Bilkent University, 2018.
Amnesia - for flute, oboe, soprano saxophone, accordion, piano, cello, double bass.
-written for the ensemble Pre-Art Soloists. Performed at Gare du Nord, Basel Mar. 26, 2019 &
Alter Stadthaussaal, Winterthur Mar 27, 2019.
Deus Ex Machina - for flute, bass clarinet in Bb, percussion, piano, violin I, violin II, viola, violoncello.
- published by UCLA Music Library: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/6pb160wd
-written for Sesin Yolculugu Young Composer’s Festival 11, 2018. Performed by Hezarfen Ensemble.
Adsum - for ney, kemençe, viola, violoncello. Commissioned by NK Ensemble.
-Released by BILGI LABEL at Spotify & Apple Music in Album Project “Lahza”
Smash of Symmetry - for bassoon
- published by UCLA Music Library: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/3qv50738
-performed at Sesin Yolculugu Young Composer’s Festival 9, 2016. Performed by Ozan Evruk.